Monday, December 15, 2008
As the year comes to a close, the festivities come to life in Hollywood and the movie community. The best films of the year are being released in theatres. Producers are throwing parties to promote their films. This should be a time of celebration and commemoration of the success of the year and the wonderful art that has been produced.
Labels: Golden Globes, Oscars, SAG strike
Sunday, December 14, 2008
According to the American Film Institue the top ten films of all time are as followed:
Labels: top ten films of all time
1. The Day the Earth Stood Still (31 Million)
Labels: 2008, box office for december 12-14
Saturday, December 13, 2008
In an attempt to get more people to watch the Academy Awards the show is being completely revamped starting with the host. this years host will be none other than People's Sexiest Man Alive: Hugh Jackman. However why stop there the shows producer, director, and music supervisor will be all new for the 2009 award show. Let me know what you think about these changes and weather or not we should stick with tradition and have a comedian be the host or does it not matter.
Labels: Hugh Jackman hosts Oscars
I would like to acknowledge that I have been absent from this blog for quite some time but would now like to bring this site back to life and continue to update on it quite regularly.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Christian Bale, yes Batman, has wasted no time in shedding the Dark Knight's cape to pick up the big guns to portray John Connor in the Terminator series. The film is expected out summer 2009 and its trailer can be viewed at :
Make sure to also check out the many new trailers available at Yahoo!
The Dark Knight opens this Friday July 18. It is setting up to be this summer's biggest success story and is also creating quite the Oscar buzz. While Ledger performance is being called exceptional by critics and is sure to cause a cult following only time will tell if the academy will actually award someone who has passed on. Make sure to see it and leave comments on how you feel about Ledger's performance as the great Joker.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I recently had the opportunity to view Will Smith's latest film, Hancock. This is a film about a super hero who is immortal, can fly, and has super immense strength. However those are his good traits. Hancock also suffers from a alcohol addiction and is a homeless bum. The film's first half is nicely paced as the audience is not put to sleep by the introduction, however once you think you now were the story is going the filmmakers throw a curve ball into the movie. An unexpected twist and now half way through we have a totally different film on our hands. Overall the movie was good and entertaining, however the movie's story line leaves you looking for more. I would like to stress the PG-13 rating on this movie because of the heavy use of language. This film is a totally new look for Will Smith: he is a drunk and a fowl mouth. I applaud him from trying out new roles and characters. My only wish and hope for him however is that he gets better at them as he goes.
I give it three and a half out of five stars.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Labels: Batman The Dark Knight, Movies
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I have created this blog in order to share my opinions on the world that we live in. I feel like that people should always reflect on their enviorment and by doing so can help to make it a better place to live in and understand.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Hello and thank you for reading this blog and trying to contact me. I can be reached using the following methods:
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