Saturday, December 13, 2008

In an attempt to get more people to watch the Academy Awards the show is being completely revamped starting with the host. this years host will be none other than People's Sexiest Man Alive: Hugh Jackman. However why stop there the shows producer, director, and music supervisor will be all new for the 2009 award show. Let me know what you think about these changes and weather or not we should stick with tradition and have a comedian be the host or does it not matter. 

Its that time of year again and no I'm not talking about the Christmas season. I'm am talking about the awards season for the best films of the year. Now while there are many little awards handed out around this time of the year in cities around the country there are really only two awards ceremonies that truly matter: The Golden Globes and the Oscars. The Golden Globes(GG) come first, and have in the past been known to pick the winners at the Oscars. The GG nominations were handed out earlier this week and were meet with some heavy criticism. Both the Dark Knight and Milk were handed only a single nomination, both in acting(Heath Ledger, and Sean Penn). Here are two of the years highly reviewed films and yet they only produce a single nomination each. For me thats a tad bit sad. But thats not the only thing I have wrong with the nominations. 
The foreign press gave a nomination to Tom Cruise for a performance nothing short of a cameo in Tropic Thunder. Also nominated was fellow actor Robert Downing Jr for the same film in the same category or Best Supporting Actor in a film. When these two were nominated, while their performances may have been funny they caused some one else not to be nominated who may have had a better performance. Such as Josh Brolin in Milk or W, or James Franco in Milk. 
Now while I may have not liked some of the nominations this year the five films nominated for Best Picture however were well chosen in what may be a rather tight race this year.  The only problem I have with the Five selected is that they didnt include the Dark Knight. Those five films are:


Let me know what 
you guys thought of 
the Golden Globe 
nominations and I 
will be sure to respond.

For a complete listing of those nominated 
please visit:

Its been awhile

I would like to acknowledge that I have been absent from this blog for quite some time but would now like to bring this site back to life and continue to update on it quite regularly. 


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